Additional Needs Team

Mrs Elaine Wagg

Equity Lead

This aspect of Mrs Wagg's role gives her the responsibility of ensuring that all children receive a fair and just provision, designed to meet their needs. Mrs Wagg is the strategic lead for a team of staff who specialise in meeting additional needs including special educational needs (SEND), social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH), pastoral needs. Mrs Wagg is passionate about helping children to overcome the disadvantages they may face in life.

Mrs Janice Hennessy

Operational Safeguarding Lead & Deputy DSL

Mrs Hennessy is a key member of the Additional Needs Team and works closely with staff across the school to ensure that children's pastoral needs are met. These are focused around safeguarding and all children know to go and talk to her if they get 'that butterfly feeling in their tummy'. Mrs Hennessy has a wide range of knowledge, expertise and resources to help support children to feel safe at school, at home and in the community.

Miss Nicole Piper

Senior Special Educational Needs Assistant & Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

Miss Piper is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA); a role which involves additional and ongoing training and qualifications. It is her role to intervene; leading programmes designed to help children who are struggling to regulate their emotions. She tackles a wide range of different issues that children may face, working with individuals, small groups and, occasionally, whole classes. Miss Piper is passionate about ensuring that children's emotional needs are met so that they can succeed academically.

Mrs Laura Phillips

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator & Designated Teacher for LAC

Mrs Phillips ensures that children's special educational needs (SEND) are identified and that provision is in place to allow all children to succeed. Her job involves a great deal of paperwork, but she is always happy to support parents to complete paperwork relating to their children's needs. Mrs Phillips leads a team of support staff who are employed to support children with SEND.

Mrs Gilly Cox

Senior Special Educational Needs Assistant

Mrs Cox specialises in supporting children who experience speech, language and communication needs. This includes her expertise in supporting children with visual or auditory impairment, an area she is passionate about. Mrs Cox also supports staff across the school to ensure that children's needs are met in all areas of school life.

Mrs Claire Hancock

Behaviour Support Lead & Senior Special Educational Needs Assistant

Mrs Hancock has a passion for helping children to regulate their own behaviours; especially at times when this may prove challenging. Along with expertise and a thirst for acquiring more knowledge, Mrs Hancock has excellent relationships with children across the school. Mrs Hancock is our expert in the use of sensory materials to help children self-regulate. If you need support with your child's behaviour at home, Mrs Hancock may be able to support you with this.

Staverton Rd, Daventry, Northants, NN11 4HW 01327 705785

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